Staff Blog


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Since I was little, I’ve always loved having pets, but I never imagined raising goldfish would be so enjoyable. What captivates me most is observing their social behaviors, which are far more intricate than I had expected. Goldfish display fascinating traits like communication, protectiveness, and even affection, making them endlessly interesting to watch.

I’ve come to realize that goldfish are surprisingly intelligent. For example, during feeding time, the male goldfish eagerly waits near the surface for food. What amazes me is how he always makes sure to call the female out from her hiding spot. Curious about how he was communicating with her, I did some research and discovered that goldfish release pheromones to send signals to each other.

This summer brought even more excitement when the goldfish had babies. The fry grew quickly, and as I introduced them back into the main tank, a new dynamic unfolded. The males began vying for dominance over the female, and to my surprise, the father fiercely defended her from the younger challengers. It was fascinating—and a little heartwarming—to see such protective instincts in fish. It reminded me of how a strong protector stands by those they love, even in the animal kingdom.

Each night before I go to bed, I find the couple sitting quietly together at the bottom of the tank. They seem so calm and close, a touching display of companionship that never fails to make me smile.


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